
Living by me · 8 min read



Refactoring Turtmail Part 2 · 2 min read


Refactoring is not just a way of life, it is __the__ way of life. ...

sg to us · 7 min read


My Journey! ...

My Tech Roundup for 2022 · 5 min read


A simple 2022 roundup. ...

Committing secrets into Github · 3 min read


Recently I committed a crime. I had committed aws keys into Github! So I'm here to blog about some of my observations. ...

Generating a Data Dictionary · 6 min read


Data dictionaries are particulary important in understand the database schema of an application. How do developers create and update this data dictionary? I created a very very simplified automated tool to generate a dd using flyway scripts. ...

Refactoring turtmail · 5 min read


Recently bought Uncle Rob's Clean Code and instinctively went to relook at my old python code that I've been using but not maintaining....

Pipedream Telegram to Notion in an hour · 4 min read


Last time I blogged about setting up a telegram bot with AWS. That took a few days of effort to write the lambda webhook as well as the IaC for AWS resources. This time with Pipedream, I took an hour. ...

Create a telegram bot with AWS · 4 min read


Over the last month, I created a telegram bot that will query the PSI levels in Singapore....

Debugging Flyway Migrations · 7 min read


The lessons I learnt in debugging. ...