Refactoring Turtmail Part 2

2022-12-31 · 2 min read

Refactoring is not just a way of life, it is the way of life.


  1. Added GUI using Gooey to facilitate user interaction
  2. Operated it as a Windows Batch Script

Read Part 1 here


Gooey is a python library that turns your command line program into a full GUI application.

For example:

python xxx.xlxs --send-email yes

After Gooey-fying it: gooey1 gooey2

User without technical know-how of what a command line will be able to interact with it now. Click browse to select file(s) from the file system, radio buttons for single choice questions, or free text fields. I was really mind-blown by this!

Windows Batch File

The Windows Batch file was the user's entry point into the system.

  1. Create a batch file (payslips.bat)
// payslips.bat
"C:\Users\xxx\venv\Scripts\python.exe" "path/to/"

TIP: Use where python to get the path of python executable

2. Create entry-point for python 
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from payslip_mailer.payslip_mailer import main
import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. Double click on the bat file, it'll run the script and open up the Gooey interface


Initially I wanted to package my application into a python wheel (executable), so I followed some best practices for that, including:

  1. Moving all services/classes into a python module (remove the src folder).
  2. Leave tests outside of that module
  3. Use setup-tools package to

Keep code clean

My choice of libraries to use to keep the code well formatted and coherent.

  • Linting - Ruff
  • Formatting - Black
  • Test - Pytest and pytest-mocker


  1. Always good to have formatting and linting in place.
  2. Add more test coverage
  3. Refactoring more and frequently
Rong Ying

Did you know this was built with 11ty and tailwind? And works even with Javascript disabled? Yeah I don't care either.