hexo over jekyll?

2019-04-04 · 3 min read

Once upon a time, I had a blog built using jekyll. There were still many things to configure so I wanted something more barebones. Hexo seemed like a good choice after a quick duckduckgo of static site generators out there.

However, it took me 1.5 hr to deploy my first site to github pages... (; ̄Д ̄)

Deploying to github

This part was simple. Just had to install the hexo-deployer-git package and set up the correct configuration.

  type: git
  repo: <repo-url>
  branch: gh-pages

I was going to host my blog on github as a project page. Hence, my branch needed to be gh-pages

However, to my ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ), the styles were gone and everything looked like crap (css we love you please never go away), and I realise it is because the paths of the stylesheet and images were not rendered correctly.


Realised that you have to change the _config.yml file.

url: https://site.com/blog
root: /blog/

But then, ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭, it didn't work.

The key realization only came when I ran hexo server and realised that there was the error on my local server as well. I had thought it was a deployment issue!

I just needed to change /styles/style.css to styles/style.css, JUST THAT BLOODY SLASH.

Then after x rounds of googling (duckduckgo really don't shine in times like these...), I realise that...

It was the THEME that I downloaded that was screwing up the generated index file.

The line /styles/style.css was hardcoded!!! Angry.


Yeah so after that, everything worked. I made sure to change the URLs for the image and styling using the root as a variable.

Instead of href="styles/site.css", I changed it to href=config.root+"styles/site.css" so that the other links like /archive will render the following styles.

I guess lesson is: you can try to search for such erroneous files from the beginning. And do things more methodologically! And also that what you see when running hexo server is really what you get when you deploy. (WYSIWYG)

┐( ´ д ` )┌

Kaomoji for the win!

Rong Ying

Did you know this was built with 11ty and tailwind? And works even with Javascript disabled? Yeah I don't care either.